Families » Family and Community Events at Crumpton

Family and Community Events at Crumpton

STEM Night and Family Fun at Crumpton

Please mark your calendars for a Crumpton Family Night on Thursday, April 6th from 4:00-6:30. We will have many community partnership booths giving out items to our families, bike rodeo activities on the playground, and Earth Day Science activities in the cafeteria.


We would love to have each grade level represented with a table during the event. This can also be a parent tabling your grade levels booth. If we can get multiple parents in time slots that would be even better! Some activities will do better with multiple adults at a table to support, so please reach out to your families to see who may be interested as well. Please sign up here for the booth your grade level would be interested.  


This will be such a wonderful opportunity for our families and community members to come onto our campus and connect.

Unified Basketball Game`

We are so excited to have our Unified basketball games taking place on site 

Wednesday March 15th: 8:30-9:30. Thank you so much to Jen Rincon and our teaching team for supporting this effort.


If it is raining or wet on the courts the day of the game it will be moved into the cafeteria.