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2:14 Bienvenido a nuestra escuela: Crumpton Elementary School
En la Escuela Primaria J.C Crumpton, creamos un ambiente de aprendizaje de alta calidad que sirve a poco más de 500 estudiantes, lo que nos permite tener diferencias individuales y estilos de aprendizaje. Se anima a todos los alumnos a ser autosuficientes, responsables, cooperativos y miembros solidarios de nuestra comunidad escolar.<br><br>Visiten nuestra pagina web en Los invitamos a visitarnos aquí en la escuela Crumpton Elementary.
Uploaded Nov 13, 2023 -
Welcome to Our School
Principal: Alex Tani<br>Assistant Principal: Amanda Bradley<br><br>At J.C Crumpton Elementary School, we create a high-quality learning environment that serves just over 500 students, allowing individual differences and learning styles. All learners are encouraged to be self-sufficient, responsible, cooperative, and caring members of our school community.<br><br>We serve students spanning transitional kindergarten through sixth grade.<br><br>Please visit our website at We welcome you to visit us here at Crumpton Elementary.<br>
Uploaded Nov 07, 2023 -
Parking Lot - Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Our school parking lot is a place where we ask that all families and staff be mindful of safety and follow our routines. A few pointers for those who drive through the parking lot:<br><br><br>1. Following Staff: We have staff supporting the flow of traffic through the parking lot. Please follow their requests, as they aim to ensure that safety is the priority and the flow of traffic continues.<br><br><br>2. Dropping Off Students: Please ensure that you only drop your child off in a designated yellow curb area. Please do not ask your child to exit the car if you are in the flow of traffic and not in a designated area. It is dangerous for children to be moving on foot between cars.<br><br><br>3. 7:30 Gates Open: Our gates open to students at 7:30 AM. We ask that all students remain in the cafeteria until staff in the cafeteria announces that playgrounds are open. Our goal is to provide playground access to students around 7:45 AM, yet that depends on staffing and our bus arrival.
Uploaded Sep 24, 2023 - Enroll or Confirm Your Student at Crumpton Elementary School Uploaded Jun 21, 2023